Ehox Tuote Oy


Scrubber - Sulphur remove from gas

Together EHOX scrubber and sulphur remove from gas -process can reduce dust emissions over 90%

The EHOX -flue gas scrubbers are designed for flue gas purifying treatment, especially for boiler plants using fuels of biological origin, such as peat or wood based fuel etc. The scrubber can reduce the particles emissions of boiler plant often more than 90% and additionally remove the following impurities from flue gas:

  • Sulphur remove from gas
  • Chlorides
  • Heavy metal particles
  • Dust particles.

EHOX Scrubber is designed and manufactured individually to meet precisely the demands and needs of our customers. Also the scope of delivery is agreed individually with our customers. The scope can be only the delivery of needed devices and components to the customer or we can fully assemble, install and perform test runs for giving delivery of ready-to-use facility including the training for operating personnel. By doing so, our customers can be assured that the sulphur remove from gas, is done as effectively as possible.

The selection of scrubber materials and structural design is evaluated according the location of scrubber, the composition and temperatures of flue gas. Most commonly used are acid proof metals or glass fibre re-inforced plastic.

Please, contact us. We will be happy to help you on all questions regarding flue gas cleaning, sulphur remove from gas and heat recovery issues

Read more about the Scrubber & sulphur remove from gas

    Ehox Tuote Oy
Lavamaentie 275
21310 VAHTO
  Tel. +358-(0)20-7639 430
Fax. +358-(0)20-7639 431
  ISO 9001

Pikalinkit: Lämmöntalteenotto savukaasuista, Savukaasupesuri, Savukaasujen puhdistus, Heatrecovery from fluegas, Scrubber, Fluegas cleaning
